Welcome to Mixed Mama Musings

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First and foremost. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's that time of year again, where everyone makes New Year's resolutions. You know, the changes we want to make this year? Those changes are often the same things we've been talking about for years. At the risk of sounding cliché, one of mine has been to start a blog.

I can finally say I did it. I took the plunge and started a blog. This is something I had been wanting to do for years (literally since my son was born) and well he’s 5 now. 

Notebook paper on Modern laptop computer  with BLOG Word on center By ST22Studio

Notebook paper on Modern laptop computer with BLOG Word on center By ST22Studio

You're probably wondering why it's taken me this long. With so many blogging websites, apps, and tools available, what could have possibly been holding me back?

For starters, I felt like there were already so many blogs out there. I wondered what could I possibly post or write that anyone would be willing to read? But back in 2018 (wow two years ago) I started running this Instagram account where I shared planner spreads, language posts, and little insights into my life. Over time, that account grew and I received a lot of questions and feedback about the content I posted. 

What kind of planners do I/ have I used? 

How do I start a bullet journal?

Where do I even begin when it comes to learning a new language? 

Do you have any time management tips?

Among so many others.

I have answered many of those questions, but not without hesitation. I used to wonder why they didn’t just google things. Why didn't they use Pinterest or scroll through hashtags on Instagram? But then I remembered, at one point I didn't know where to start either. I’ve started to realize that maybe people are coming to me for a reason. So why not compile all these answers into a blog? Why not put together all the sites and actual resources that I use? Things I've loved, hated, and everything in between.

Thus this blog was born.

With that, I say Welcome to Mixed Mama Musings, my little corner of the internet.


My 2020 Planner Setup: Digital Planning